grey marble

November 9, 2005

On the affects of getting old

Saturday I woke up, my eyelids stuck together. Looking in the mirror, my red eyes looked back at me. On Monday, Simone had told me horror stories about the effects of bacterial pink eye if it isn't taken care of. I went to a local optometrist. He said that it looked like a reaction due to an allergy, but that it was nothing serious. He wrote a prescription, and sent me on my way.

On Tuesday, I woke up to find my knee slightly swollen. I couldn't do deep knee bends. I shrugged it off and went to work.

As the day went on, the swelling increased. A bump began to form above my knee. Ryan suggested I call the doctor. I said I'd wait and see what happened. When I came home, I called to find the doctor had already went home. I iced my knee for a few minutes and went out to dinner.

This morning, the swelling is slightly worse. I asked Lin if I should see a doctor. She chuckled at my alarm and noted that I probably didn't have much experience with sports related injuries. She said that I could make an appointment for Monday, but that I should take ibuprofen, ice the knee, and elevate it. She said I should keep off it. She said that I probably just twisted the knee while I was sleeping and pointed out we were all getting older. She pointed out that I did nothing for it on Tuesday, which was probably why it had become slightly more swollen. But she said that if there was no rendess, and no fever-like heat, the knee should heal itself.

I'm on the couch now, a zip lock bag of melting ice on my knee. I'm still taking eye drops for my conjunctivitis. I feel like an invalid.
Posted by eku at November 9, 2005 10:34 AM

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